Title Page
M.V. Freeman
Omnific Publishing
Los Angeles
Copyright Information
Illumination, Copyright © 2015 by M.V. Freeman
All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.
Omnific Publishing
1901 Avenue of the Stars, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, California 90067
First Omnific eBook edition, April 2015
First Omnific trade paperback edition, April 2015
The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Freeman, M.V..
Illumination / M.V. Freeman – 1st ed
ISBN: 978-1-623421-73-1
1. Supernatural—Romance. 2. Urban Fantasy—Romance. 3. Romance—Fiction. 4. Elements—Fiction. I. Title
Cover Design by Micha Stone and Amy Brokaw
Interior Book Design by Coreen Montagna
In memory of my father, James Michael Patrick Howe,
who gifted me with imagination and a love of a good story.
The Hidden Races
Hidden in our world is a race of beings divided into three classes: Elementals, Mages, and Darks. The volatile Elementals possess the ability to manipulate Earth, Air, Water, or Fire. Mages, the ruling class, have descended from rebel Elementals who forsook their original powers in exchange for illusion, transfiguration, telekinesis, and transportation. Darks are the creatures borne of failed Mage experimentations. They are the freaks and monsters—tasked with doing the worst deeds for the Mages.
North American Hierarchy
Family Trees
Air Elemental: One who can manipulate winds. Air Elementals cannot be suffocated, and it is hard to hurt them in a fall. Their balance is Earth.
Assistants: Mages in training, usually being guided by the Regional Mage. They do his bidding.
Balance: The term used to indicate the opposite or missing element that helps control and ground an Elemental. It is also the term for an Elemental who is the opposite or missing element for another Elemental. The purpose of a Balance is to help calm and redirect energy appropriately—into the atmosphere, ground, or water. It is synergistic, benefiting both parties. Usually Balances between single Elementals level each other out, and no burn out occurs (unless one is stronger or does it deliberately). Initially, a handshake (skin-on-skin), which reacts on a cellular level, will align the Elementals. This allows the magic of the Elementals to seek out the unique signature of who they are balanced with and no other. The Balance should be near—within the same house or room—but can withstand longer distances for short period of time (up to eight hours). Without a Balance, the Elemental will be consumed by their element. Many times it is a business arrangement for both, and contracts must be drawn up. To end a contract, there must again be a touch, and a sensation like a cord snapping is common. (The exception to this is with Tri-Elementals, who tend to take or need a stronger single Elemental.)
Board of Directors: Also called Mage Representatives, the Board is made up of six Mage families. They monitor the Regional Mages and report directly to the Chairman. Their purpose is to be the conscience of the Chairman.
Bonding: An extremely rare event that occurs only between a Tri-Elemental and a Cogent. This allows the two to share the power of four elements. When this happens, Mages can no longer access the energy for their use. It also allows one of the bonded pair to hold all the power if the other one dies or if one needs more power temporarily (if in battle, for example).
Bone Eaters / Lower Cavern Darks: Creatures with long sharp beak-like mouths that they use to suck up bone marrow as their curved claws rip through flesh and bone. They have a symbiotic relationship with spiders that incapacitate their prey. They are used mainly by Elspeth as her enforcers and trackers.
Border boy/Boundary boy: Derogatory term for those who maintain the borders.
Borders/Boundary: The area a Tri-Elemental controls. A Controller knows who is coming and going, especially Darks and Mages, but they have no control over humans. Elementals have to request to travel. Directors maintain a larger border and do not often interfere with the Controllers and their boundaries.
Burned out: The term used when an Elemental’s power is completely consumed or used up. Many times it is fatal; if not, they are left weak, helpless, and unable to manipulate their element or regenerate. To forcibly burn someone out is considered a heinous crime. Normally, burning out a Balance takes time with a Tri-Elemental. An attempt is sometimes made to end the contract to prevent it (but this is not always possible). Sometimes a Balance can regenerate but can never again be paired with a Tri-Elemental, only their opposite single Elemental (for all Elementals with power must have a Balance; if they do not, they will be consumed by their own element over time). Occasionally there may be magical interference accelerating the Balance, which will age the Elemental. Note: Single elementals who balance each other (Fire with Earth, Water with Air) usually don’t have problems with burning each other out, unless there is a highly stressful situation, like in a battle or power struggle.
Chairman: The most powerful Mage, politically and in ability. The Chairman’s word is law, and only the Board is allowed to disagree.
Cogent: Rare, extremely powerful single Elementals. Their full power must be triggered by magic. Once it is manifested, they are unable to burn out and are equal in power to a Tri-Elemental. They are coveted by Mages, who siphon off their blood and energy to regenerate. If they bond with a Tri-Elemental, they become insular, and siphoning from them is no longer possible.
Collaring: This is a term used when an Iron Collar is placed on an Elemental. It dampens their powers, burns their skin, and makes them easier to control.
Controller: A Tri-Elemental who is given the responsibility of controlling an area the size of a state. They report to the Director. Their responsibilities include maintaining a border, keeping the weather and elements balanced, collecting tithes, and monitoring the Elementals beneath him. Many do not rise further than this.
Dark: One who is the result of a mistake from failed Mage experimentation. Darks are considered second class citizens and kept in the background. Many cannot tolerate the light, but some can. They are divided into two classes: Upper Cavern Darks, where many can pass as human with a touch of illusion, and Lower Cavern Darks, who are considered the monsters and are hidden from everyone. Shadows cling to a Dark, which makes them excellent assassins. With Mages and Elementals more concerned with their petty politics, Darks have grown into a lethal force no longer content to be forgotten.
Darkling: Another term for a Dark.
Day walker: Darks that have the ability to walk out into the sun. This is a very rare gift. Many of the older and most powerful Darks can do this, but most cannot.
Director: There are four Directors: the Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest. Their territory encompasses ten to twelve states each. They monitor the Controllers. They report to the Regional Mages.
Dream Stealers / Lower Cavern Darks: Having the appearance of garden gnomes, they are used as security measures by Mages and Eleme
ntals to protect their homes. They have sharp, barbed tongues. They wait until their victim sleeps (if it is a large animal) and bore a hole through the back of the neck, incapacitating the victim and sucking out the brain matter.
Dust Mites / Lower Cavern Darks: Wispy-looking creatures who look similar to human cats. They have sticky pads on their fingers and eat the soft organs of animals.
Earth Elemental: One who is able to manipulate Earth and the growth of plants. Farming is a popular vocation; the land they work is known to be more fertile than non-Elemental farms. Some Earth Elementals gravitate toward building or digging, and they prefer sciences like geology. Their balance is Fire.
Elemental: The original Hidden Race, which the other two (Mage and Dark) stem from. They are beings with the ability to manipulate the elements: earth, air, water, and fire. Seventy percent of all Elementals are born with a single element. Thirty percent, and the natural leaders, are born wielding three elements (Tri-Elemental), The rarest of all is a Cogent, a powerful single Elemental. The purpose of an Elemental is to balance and facilitate the environment to maintain the health and growth of their world and for those around them—humans.
Elves / Lower Cavern Darks: Creatures known to be opportunists, they are blind with big ears and hunt in groups, eating mainly fresh blood and meat. Their females are chained, blind, and deaf; their only purpose is for procreating.
Executive: The highest office a Tri-Elemental can obtain. Only the Executive is allowed a presence at the Board meeting of the Mages and has direct access to the highest ranking Mage, the Chairman. This office is a stand-alone position but has an enormous influence over the general population of Elementals.
Fire Elemental: One who is able to manipulate fire and heat. They are difficult to burn. Their balance is Earth.
Gris-gris: Small bundle of charms made of flesh, blood, and herbs. It is the blackest of magic, a mix of Witch and Dark incantations. A gris-gris needs to be fed with fresh blood and flesh to keep it strong. It can provide the bearer, such as an Elemental, enough energy to keep from using a balance. It is meant for short term use; it will eventually turn on and destroy its user.
Hedge Mage: A derogatory term directed at magic-users. Infers they are weak like humans and easily controlled.
Hedge Witch (Witch): Humans who practice magic and have a strong grasp of herb lore. Some have minor telepathic abilities. Their magical skills come at a great cost, but they are adept at scrying and location spells. They usually belong to a Coven. Hedge witches are considered a nuisance and are forced to sign treaties and contracts to keep them out of Elemental, Dark, and Mage business.
Hierarchy of Hidden Races: Currently the Mages are in control of the Elementals and Darks. Each country has a different group in charge, but the same hierarchy levels. There is a Mage Chairman in charge. Below him are a Mage Board (six positions) and the highest Elemental, called the Executive, who is subject to both the Board and Chairman. Next down are the Regional Mages (four regions, each with two Mages), who oversee the Elemental Directors (one for each region), who in turn monitor Elemental Controllers (ten to twelve per region). Darks report to the Mage Chairman and make treaties where they will, but they are subject to both the Elementals and Mages. There is usually one Dark Leader and numerous levels within the Dark clans’ hierarchy.
Incandescent: A Fire Cogent.
Low-Level Mage: These Mages cannot control much power. They are forced into working for stronger Mages. Some help maintain the borders created by Elementals.
Mage: These were once Elementals who eons ago wanted more power, embarking on a series of horrific experimentations resulting in a new race: Mages. They lost their connection to the elements but gained new, stronger abilities, known as Mage magic. With politics, manipulation, and magic, they managed to break the power of the mighty Elementals and are now the overlords. But without continuing experiments, their power weakens over generations, and the practice is being reinstituted. They rule by fear and careful culling of the strongest Elementals. Those created out of failed experiments are known as the Darks.
Mage Magic: These are the powers and spells unique to Mages, since they can no longer feel or manipulate elements. These powers include illusion, transfiguration/transmutation, telekinesis, and transportation. Once such illusion spell is called a Coileach-teas, a mirage effect.
Nettle Hound: This is a Dark shape-shifter that has been changed into a monster by Mages. These hounds have living quills that emit a high pitched sound when the creature is agitated. If these quills get on or in someone’s skin, they will burrow until they hit a vital organ. Iron and fire are natural deterrents.
Null: A Mage born with no power. They are looked on with contempt, but expected to be loyal.
Regional Mage: This is a Mage position. There are two Regional Mages for each region. This ensures the Director never has too much political power. They enforce the Board’s dictates and make sure all tithes are collected. They report to the Board of Directors.
Scry/Scrying: The unique ability of human witches to track and see others by means of a reflective surface, usually a bowl of water with herbs. Spending too much time scrying can lead to migraines and eventual coma. Recovery from a scrying injury can take hours to days.
Shadow Hounds (hunters): Creatures that guard the property of Mikhail Petrov at night. Formed of Dark magic and wolves, they cannot bear the sunlight but can travel in the shadows.
Shadow Nymph: A particular breed of Dark that can manipulate shadows. They can show up anywhere a shadow is cast. Many Shadow Nymphs have no emotion of their own, but must consume them for sustenance. They are greatly feared and make very good assassins.
Siphoning: The act of taking the energy from an Elemental to regenerate the powers of a Mage. The teens and young people forced to report to Mages for service are subject to this. It is done through touch and severely weakens the victim; if it is performed too often it can push them to burn out or death.
Stone Worms / Lower Cavern Darks: Blind creatures that are a cross between a worm and a dragon. They are used to patrol halls; they’re not very bright and will do anything for fresh meat.
Stone Wraiths / Upper Cavern Darks: Chameleon-like creatures that are impossible to detect; they are used by Cazacul to guard the upper halls.
Telepath: Usually a human, but the ability is very weak.
Tempest: An Air Cogent.
Titan: An Earth Cogent.
Tri-Elemental: An Elemental that commands three elements. The missing fourth is their balance. They are the natural leaders. They can have more than one Balance and can draw from those they have not made a conscious contract with, a practice which is frowned on. Drawing from another Elemental without a contract or asking beforehand is considered rude and a gesture of aggression. Some Tri-Elementals have a “stable” of Balances, drawing from a bit of each one to prevent burnout. They do not have to touch to form an alliance with their Balance, but make a conscious decision. Nor is it required their Balance stay within two rooms of them, but normally they keep them close, to draw on their energy to focus their elements especially when monitoring their allotted boundaries and engaging in power struggles. They can also be separated from their Balance for no longer than twelve hours. When they cancel their contract with a Balance, done by conscious decision, an audible snap can be heard. If they burn out a Balance, it is their responsibility to care for /provide for this person for the rest of their lives. Note: If a Tri-Elemental finds a Cogent, there is no distance or time limits like there are with Balances. They can no longer link to or draw from any other Elemental if a bond with a Cogent is formed.
Undine: A Water Cogent.
Water Elemental: One who can manipulate water and moisture. They are difficult to drown. Their balance is Air.
Foreign Terms
Abuela: Grandmother.
Abuelo: Grandfather.
Alyosha: An affectionate/diminutive term for the name Alexei.
Älskling: Darling.
/> Borscht: A beets-and-cabbage soup highly favored by Russians.
Brujas: Witches.
Coileach-teas: Celtic term used for a Mage-made mirage.
Curandera: Female folk-healer/herbalist.
Da: “Yes.”
Dacha: A Russian country cottage.
Do Vstrechi: “Until we meet again.”
Dyadya: An affectionate/diminutive term for “Uncle.”
Fiica mea: “My daughter.”
Frate: Brother.
Khrosho: Very good.
Krasivyja: Pretty, beautiful.
Matryoshka doll: “Little mother” Nesting or stacking dolls, beautifully painted.
Miliya: Sweetheart, darling.
Misha: An affectionate/diminutive term for the name Mikhail.
Moi droog: “My friend.”
Na Zdorovye: “To your health.”
Nyet: “No.”
Pravilno: “Do you comprehend/understand?”
Rahat: “Shit.”
Surioara: Sister.
Standart: Standard, referring to Russian Standard Vodka.
Tochna: “Exactly.”
Vanya: An affectionate/diminutive term for the name Ivan.
Yasno: “Is this clear?”
Zakuska: Snacks, appetizers.
Zhopa: Ass/asshole.